Program Evaluation

Program Evaluation is a methodology for evaluating the efficacy of public sector and non-profit organization programs. It applies performance metrics to address four related elements: (1) development of a program logic connecting program design with objectives, (2) linkage of program inputs (e.g., setup costs and resources) to program participation rates, (3) linkage of participation rates to intermediate outcomes (e.g., completion rates), and (4) linkage of intermediate outcomes to goal achievement. Program evaluation is an important form of economic analysis that can guide future program funding and implementation decisions, as well as enabling mid-course corrections to refine and enhane the effectiveness of ongoing programs.

EDG is a leader in the application of program evaluation techniques as they relate to transportation, energy, urban development, entrepreneurship, finance and infrastructure investments. Our methods and models evaluate the various aspects of these programs including:

  • Program impact analysis
  • Cost effectiveness of outcomes achieved
  • Equity and distributional effects
  • Process analysis
  • Participant surveys

A hallmark of our program evaluation services has been our ability to positively communicate information regarding ways to improve program effectiveness.
